How to Avoid and Overcome Leaky Roof

Posted by Admin on Monday, January 9, 2012

No ivory that is not cracked. Is there a roof that never leaks? Sure there is, and your home can get quite precise origin of the design, meticulous in its manufacture, and maximum care.

It's actually quite logical if the roof would have "failures" in carrying out their duties, if it be remembered that the roof had to face the heat and rain alternately in extreme conditions and in a very long period of time.
And, on the other hand, nothing is more annoying than a leaky roof. Imagine when we should be "enjoying" the comfort of protection from heavy rains, we have to bother moving objects that may be damaged if subject to leaks. Then we must first take immediate emergency measures when the weather is not so pleasant. To be sure, ceiling home became the first victim.

So, what should we do so that we avoid the "disaster" is? Certainly not with the philosophy that just thankful we're still under the roof, remember they are soaked in the streets!
First of all we should make sure what causes a leaky roof. Many things that cause the leaking roof, but we'd better classify them into two categories, namely due to errors in the manufacture procedure and due to errors from things beyond expectations.

First, the errors in the manufacture procedure.

There are many types of roofs are used in homes. But, mostly, as we can observe, it will use tiled roofs. And roof tile is the most likely to leak and leak prevention techniques hardest.

The areas most prone to leakage is the meeting place of the roof areas. Line of this meeting that a convex closed by the type of tile is called a rooftop or wuwungan (ridge) and when protected by a gutter jurai concave (valley), which also serves as a channel rainwater.

In the manufacture of roofing in this area we should pay more attention. Usually the seller's roofing tile or other type gives detailed instructions how to install rooftop or gutter jurai. Make sure the instructions are executed exactly as recommended, or better.

However, before positively sure that the roof has been designed in a corner above the minimum. Each type of tile have a "spec" the slope itself. Generally, clay tiles are designed for angles between 27.5 to 40 degrees. Large or small depending on the destination point of the design aesthetic.

However, the provisions do not ever point at least should not be violated since the fall of drops of rain is not always perpendicular to follow gravity, but more frequently oblique because of the influence of wind.
If the angle is not enough, from the crevices between the tiles is rain water to enter. While the gaps are deliberately left there to accommodate the expansion needs of each piece of tile and sometimes also for ventilation. Conversely, if the roof angle must be greater than 40 degrees, each piece should be nailed to a tile lath which is right under it so that is not easily sag. Tile designed and well made there is always a nail hole for this.

Second, an unexpected error is leakage that occurs long after the house was completed.

First of course we have to determine where the leaking up there. The first allegation of course is in peak area earlier. Then in another area that is most likely a broken tile or displaced from the place leaving a hole large enough, certainly a cause of leaking. All we have to do is restore the displaced roof tiles to their original position or replace with new ones if broken. However, at the peak will be more complicated. What should be done here is a temporary repair and permanent repairs.

Temporary repairs carried out upon completion of the rain and should be considered emergency repairs due to be continued with permanent improvements made on the next dry season. Temporary repairs could be a leaking area coating with elastic coatings, either in the form of sheet or liquid applied with a brush.
Permanent improvements are intended to eliminate the leakage problem forever. Done in the dry season because it requires absolutely dry state of the tile or the rooftop or the parts that other leaks. It is recommended that worked well with the overall maintenance activities of the roof for cost efficiency.
Maintenance inspection position itself in the form of tiles. Cleaning of dirt or dead leaves caught in the holes gutters. Should be done thoroughly.

Roof construction should also be examined. Is it still strong and shaped like the original. If there is a change of form in certain parts such as roof bigger field, what may make, to do demolition and repair of the total in that section. Care and maintenance should be performed regularly.

The estimated age of some type of roofing:

Knowing the quality and properties of the tiles that we use will certainly facilitate the care and maintenance of our roof.

Each type of roofing work have age respectively. Should ask the distributor or manufacturer. Or usually stated in the warranty period. For example if the so-called 15-year warranty, we must be prepared to repair or even replacement of the roof of our house at the time of completion period. Below, there are several types of roofing and general estimate of his working life.

Roof shingles

Roof covering made of thin pieces of ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri) depending on the circumstances of this age work environment, quality of iron used wood, and the angles in the roof. This type of roofing can last between 25 years to forever.

Concrete tile roofs
Shape and size similar to traditional land tiles, only the basic material is a mixture of cement and coarse sand PC, then given a thin layer that serves as a dye and waterproof. Actually, this roof can last almost forever, but the protective coating will only last between 30 years to 40 years.

Tin roof

The roof is actually made of thin steel sheets are given in electrolytic zinc coating. The goal is to make it rust resistant. So, the word zinc come from upholstery materials. This type of zinc coating will last as long as it has not gone away, which took place around the 30s. After that, the roof will start leaking if there are parts that rust.

Traditional clay roof

Will last forever. Just the color and appearance of this type of tile will change along with increasing mold growing on the tile body. In the eyes of some people, this beautify the appearance of our roof. However, that does not like this or this does not fit with the architectural style of the house could use a tile-lined glasur. In addition to protecting from mold, a layer of colored tile glasur possible that also last almost forever.

Concrete roof

Actually this type of flat roof rarely the main roof. The roof is only used as a cover part of the house difficult sloping roof covered by this type.

Concrete roof can be as leak-free roof that forms a solid recall. Nevertheless, should concrete roof inspected after experiencing a rainy season and one dry season alias for a year after it was completed, to detect possible errors and kerusakanlapisan keretakanyang its waterproofing. Meanwhile, this waterproofing layer must be periodically repaired or replaced.

There are still many types of roof coverings that have life and property respectively. And each should be considered to be selected because it has special advantages, such as appearance, practicality, and flexibility of form. Include roof coverings are made with basic ingredients bitumen sheet (derived bitumen), asbestos or even from thin pieces of rock (slates). Generally, the age range depending on the protective layer.
For the attention of users of aluminum foil. These objects are designed to withstand heat, not to hold water. Aluminum is known to have properties to withstand the heat. However in the face of a leak, this thing has a purpose, namely to prevent light leakage. However, at the same time we trouble to localize the leak because the leak point will vary with the fall of water in the house.

Use waterproofing, Apply waterproofing paint on each connection properly, to avoid cracks.
Waterproofing is a water-resistant coating material so as to prevent leakage. Application of waterproofing can be done with a brush, roller, or spray. Pengaptikasiannya be layered. The first layer, a waterproofing are diluted with water (10%) in order to better blend with the surface overlaid. The second layer of waterproofing without mixture. This is done repeatedly (at least 1x replicates) with a fixed repetition lining the opposite direction so that the two layers together "weaving".

Finally, if we did not want to get interference from the leaking roof of us, we actually only need a simple tips: "willing umbrella before it rains". Build a roof with a material and the way the truth and the best you can. After that, check and fix any roof before the rainy season.

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