How to Overcome seepage on the walls of the house

Posted by Admin on Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mad because the walls of your house damp because water seepage? Follow these tips to overcome dampness or seepage on the walls is complete.

Often we find a house that is set so detailed until the start of the page, terrace to the interior that reflects the establishment, craft occupants, and so on. But not infrequently also reliability, tidiness and the craft was disturbed when many patches of damp spots arise that contain water molecules on the interior walls. Whenever you encounter something like this, it must be addressed immediately so as not to disrupt the scenery constantly.

To cope with the damp walls of a house or have water spots on interior walls, the first thing we should do is identify the location of these spots and factors to be considered are:

* Is it because of a leaking water pipe.
* The surface of the ground water rises
* Seepage from the bathroom
* Cracks
* The existence of a gap between two walls with neighbors
* U
se of natural stone as an exterior wall coatings
* Or because the outer walls are not plastered.

Once we identify the root cause then we just think the best solution to overcome the spots on the wall and if the house can be lost forever. Of identification then we get a method to overcome, namely as follows:

Water the soil surface rose & Water Pipe Leaks

Usually the humidity spots allocated under 1 meter on the wall of the house, and occurs continuously over time did not know when it rains or not. You should know that the ground water into the interior through the capillary wall material of cement. The main cause is due to the poor quality of plastering materials both outside and inside walls.

Solution: curry stucco approximately 1 meter from the surface, replace with new stucco with a composition of 3:1 sand and cement, and then do the painting in accordance with proper procedure.
The existence of a leaking water pipe, usually indicated as approximately 1 meter from the wall base. This is easily visible wet spots, worse than any other wet spotting. Solution: replace a leaking pipe, then plaster with the correct material composition.

Interior wall cracks
The main cause is due to the walls of your house there is a plaster-forming elements that are not clean and many contain soil or other materials, water used for mixing cement from the gutter, the process has not been done during his time cementation, stucco not dry completely.

Solution: hair cracks slightly enlarged and covered with wall putty, after the new total perfectly dry.

The outside walls are not plastered

If your house walls plastered on the outside yet so often you come across your walls damp. Rain water into the material through the capillary walls seep through the pores of the material through the thickness of the wall ends on the interior walls, stop and form a pattern on a wall of water.
Stucco exterior walls with a ratio of 1:3 material, wait about 2 weeks to give the opportunity plaster dry completely, then plastered.

Water seeping from the crack walls

Water seeping in from the very walls of our homes are adjacent to neighboring resulting from water entering the second slit wall.
Solution: close the gap with a stucco coating and then coated with anti-leak.

Water seeping from the bathroom
The causes include:

* Broken water pipe connection / end
* Quality of plastering materials that are less good.

Solution: quite easy, ie fix faulty connection / end, scrape plaster stucco and replace with the good.

Hopefully this article useful and you do not have anymore problems with the walls of the house.

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